Attention Shrewsbury Residents

Please come to the following 2 events, to stand against a proposed interstate pipeline to be built through Shrewsbury and seven other Worcester County Towns:

  • MAY 9th TUES 6:45 PM – Board of Selectmen – Vote – Town Hall
  • MAY 15th MON 6:45 PM – Annual Town Meeting – Oak Middle School

As you know, the pipeline poses direct threats to our health, to our children’s well-being and to our drinking water by going through the aquifer protection overlay district. It is close to our High School, will go directly under high tension lines, and will create a “blast zone” and an “evacuation zone” in Shrewsbury. All of this will inevitably add costs and burden to our already overtaxed town Boards and Administration,

You can also help by sending an email to our Finance Committee and Board of Selectmen to urge them to SUPPORT ARTICLE 12, which opposes the West Boylston Lateral Pipeline in Shrewsbury.  You’ll need to include both your name and street address and a quick message letting them you’d like them to SUPPORT ARTICLE 12 to stop the West Boylston Lateral Pipeline! Their emails are:



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Thank you, and best wishes for a clean, healthy and safe environment.