As we’ve noted over the past year, ISO-New England is obsessed with getting more fracked gas pipelines into MA- even though independent analysis shows that we don’t need them and that they will cost consumers billions. In January, ISO published yet another pro-pipeline report, this one labeled “fuel security,” saying, again, that we risk blackouts on very cold winter days with without more fracked gas.
That ISO report turns out to have been dead wrong—and was based on “flawed assumptions and unrealistic scenarios," according to the highly respected Conservation Law Foundation (CLF). And, amazingly, ISO has corrected itself, issuing a revised report based on more accurate information. The revised report now shows, according to CLF, that:
“[T]here is virtually zero risk of rolling blackouts in the winter as long as the New England states continue to successfully invest in clean and renewable energy and energy efficiency on the pace required by existing state laws.”
The Attorney General, the environmental community and consumer advocacy groups, like ours, have been saying this for a long time.
The revised report is very good news, but we can’t rest until the legislature takes action to stop these expensive, unneeded pipelines, and the multi-billion dollar tax on consumers that will come along with them.
Please take action. Write your legislators today.
PS: If you want to read CLF’s press release, or the report itself, you can click on this link.